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How to setup MigrationWiz to do the second phase migration of IMAP emails into Microsoft 365 Exchange

This is step 8 of our complete guide on migrating your emails to Microsoft 365 Exchange Online.

When we first ran MigrationWiz we migrated all emails older than 30 days. And when you look at Outlook online there are no emails younger than 30 days. The next step is to migrate all emails younger than 30 days.

Do not do this until all DNS records according to DNSChecker are showing the same DNS records.

When all DNS servers are showing correct values then we can do the final stage migration in Migration Wiz. This will migrate emails younger than 30 days into Microsoft 365 Exchange Online. It usually doesn't take very long.

1. Open MigrationWiz.

2. Select email addresses.

3. Got to Start and select Full Migration.

4. Click Start Migration.

DNS switchover - Step 8

This part of the migration won't take long and when it is complete you will see your inbox and sent items at outlook.office.com complete. It should be an exact copy! Furthemore, if any new emails have come in they will be visible as well.


Turn Security defaults back on in Microsoft Entra

Back in Step 5 we had to turn off security defaults in Microsoft Entra. The reason for this was so MigrationWiz could talk to Microsoft 365 but now MigrationWizz is complete we can turn the security defaults back on and we highly recommend you do this.

1. In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center click the 3 horizontal lines in the top left corner

2. Click Show all and then click Identity.

M365 Entra - Step 1
M365 Entra - Step 2

3. Go to Overview and then Properties

4. Click Manage security defaults.

M365 Entra - Step 3

5. Change Security defaults from Disabled (not recommended) to Enabled (recommended).

6. Click Save.

M365 Entra - Step 4

The next and final step is to setup Outlook on your computer and mobile phone.