How to fix question mark on booting up an Apple Mac

The other day I had a 2012 MacBook Pro which when switched on would boot up to a question mark. A persistent question mark indicates that there is an issue with the hard disk which is preventing the MacOS from loading.   I removed the hard drive and connected it to my Windows PC and…

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Review of iiyama ProLite XU2395WSU-B1 22.5″ monitor

Back in 2007 I purchased two LG 19″ monitors. At the time they were the latest and greatest and I have loved using them. I find having two screens improves my productivity immensley (more on that later). However the last 18 months or so I have found the resolution of 1280×1024 just too square mainly…

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How to fix LibreOffice error 1303

If you receive the following error whilst trying to install LibreOffice then there is a simple solution. Error 1303: The installer has insufficient priveledges to access the directotry: C:Program Files (x86)LibreOffice 6.0program. The installation cannot continue. Log on as an administrator or contact your system administrator. If you have a Brother printer installed then the…

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Repairing Office 365 caused it to uninstall!

The other day I was having problems with my Outlook, as part of my Office 365 subscription. So I carried out a quick repair via the Windows Control Panel. The quick repair didn’t work so then carried out a full repair.   I then carried out a full repair and it completely uninstalled my Office 365.…

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